
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Parks Canada is working with experts in coyote behaviour, wildlife management, and human behaviour and education to develop and implement best practices for public safety. Visitors to any park or natural area should be aware of the risk of wildlife encounters.

Report all coyote sightings to Parks Canada staff. If approached by a coyote, report the incident immediately.

How to improve your personal safety

Do not feed coyotes and be sure to properly dispose of garbage and other food sources. Coyotes that have access to our food lose their fear of people.

Hike with friends or carry a solid walking stick.

If you see a coyote at a distance

Stay back. Do not approach the animal.

Watch it carefully to assess its behaviour (e.g. Is the animal following you, acting without fear, openly aggressive, fearful, wary, etc.?)

If the coyote approaches or is close by

NEVER run away. Coyotes are capable of running much faster than humans.

Maintain your distance by walking away slowly. Do not turn your back.

Stay together and try to scare the animal away.

Make noise, swing sticks, and generally act big and aggressive.

If a coyote attacks

Fight back. Shout, swing a stick, throw stones, use whatever is available to defend yourself.

Learn more

Canadian Wildlife Federation

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

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