Be One of The Few

© Parks Canada / J. McCormick
The most northerly navigable river. The largest concentration of muskoxen. Thirty-five hundred years of arctic people’s history. Never-ending daylight. Vast and wild tundra. This compelling backdrop with its rich culture is waiting for you. Discover it all when you canoe the Thomsen River. Be one of the few adventurers in modern times to experience this magnificent ancient landscape.
In Search of the Northwest Passage

© Parks Canada / J.F. Bisaillon
Follow history’s path as you move through the “Place People Travel”. Discover 3,500 years of arctic peoples' past and the effect of nearly 200 years of European misadventures and explorations. As you hike the rolling tundra, paddle the meandering Thomsen River or watch the distant coast from a cruise ship, imagine the hardships and dramas of the men that sought the fabled passage.
Never Ending Day Light

© Parks Canada
You can read about it, see pictures of it, image it, but nothing will truly prepare you for the midnight light! Paddle. Hike. Camp. At three o’clock in the morning you’ll be smiling as the sun still shines in the arctic night. Don’t forget to set the time in the camera and take a picture! Otherwise, who will believe you?
Meet the People Who Call the Arctic Home

© Parks Canada / R. Buchanan
Your adventure begins when you leave behind your daily life to discover the way people live in the north. Be sure to allow time in your itinerary to rub shoulders with local people and staff. You can expect a warm welcome! At Parks Canada’s visitor centres in the communities adjacent to the parks, you’ll learn about these fascinating northern cultures.
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