© Dacho Poole
Paddling (with Denesǫłine Yati place names)
Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve
With 700 km of Tu Nedhé (Great Slave Lake) shoreline, Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve beckons paddling enthusiasts. Tu Nedhé (Great Slave Lake) is the 10th largest lake in the world, measuring 28,568 square kilometres (just a bit smaller than Belgium). It is North America’s deepest lake, plunging to 614m in Christie Bay near Łútsël K'é.
If big lake paddling is not your cup of tea, then there are countless other lakes that you can tailor to your personal interests and skills, or join a guided tour. Routes can include exposed shoreline, protected bays, chains of lakes and rivers - the degree of difficulty varies.
Paddling destinations include:
- Tu Nedhé (Great Slave Lake)
- Hak’ós Tué Tsën Tłazį (Charlton Bay)
- Nıtłër Nu Naá Tłazį (Wildbread Bay)
- Kaché Kaɂá (Pike’s Portage)
- Fort Reliance National Historic Site
- Other lakes and rivers
- Eileen Lake
- Ɂedacho Kué (Artillery Lake)
- Tędhul Dezé (Snowdrift River)* to Siltaza Lake
Paddling into the National Park Reserve is possible from Yellowknife and Fort Resolution; however, groups need to have advanced skills and be prepared to wait for favourable wind and wave conditions. Others may choose to charter a plane or boat to transport their gear and themselves into the park, or fly into Łútsël K'é and start their journey from there.
Practice Leave No Trace camping to enable other paddlers to enjoy a pristine wilderness experience.
*Most paddlers on the Snowdrift River take out at Siltaza or Austin Lake. The section from Austin Lake to Stark Lake is not for tripping canoes. Below Austin Lake advanced whitewater paddling skills are required; there are stretches of class IV rapids, a few class Vs and one class VI waterfall. You must be prepared to scout and portage.
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