© Corey Myers/Frontier Lodge
Fishing Permit Terms and Conditions
BackgroundThaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve is part of Thaıdene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area (IPA). The IPA also includes a territorial protected area and a proposed conservation area. This document only relates to fishing permits in Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve. There are no changes for territorial fishing licences outside the National Park Reserve. A fishing permit is not required for traditional harvesting by Aboriginal peoples.
Terms and ConditionsThe Fisheries Act, the Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations, the Fishery (General) Regulations and any other applicable recreational fishing laws have been made to apply to the waters in Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve.
Parks Canada adopted these laws and regulations through the following legal statement:
- Except to the extent of any inconsistency or conflict with the Canada National Parks Act and the regulations thereunder, the laws in force in respect of recreational fishing as they exist from time to time in the Northwest Territories outside the Park are incorporated by reference into this Permit with only such modifications as are necessary in the circumstances, and apply and bind the Permittee as terms and conditions of this Permit.
Parks Canada fishing permits:
- Are issued under the authority of sec. 4(a) of the National Parks Fishing Regulations;
- Are not transferable or refundable;
- Are only valid inside Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve;
- Are required by anyone 16 years and older;
- Are subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the Thaıdene Nëné National Park - Reserve Fishing Permit Terms and Conditions;
- Must be signed by the permit holder; and
- Must be carried on your person while fishing.
Annual permits are valid from the date of issue until the following March 31.
Anyone under the age of 16 may fish in national parks without a permit if accompanied by a permit holder 16 years of age or older. However, their catch counts towards the permit holder's daily catch and possession limit. If someone under 16 purchases their own permit, they are entitled to the full daily catch and possession limit.
It is the responsibility of the permit holder to be familiar with the applicable rules.
Important Information
Barbless hooks are mandatory.
In the national park reserve dispose of entrails by puncturing the swim bladder and depositing them into deep or moving water downstream of your camp, using a boat if available.
The catch and possession limits stay the same as for the waters outside the national park reserve. The National Park Reserve overlaps with Area VI of Great Slave Lake. The Lake Trout possession and catch restrictions for Area VI apply. The total daily catch limit for lake trout in Area VI, regardless of whether you are inside or outside the National Park Reserve, is one (1) and the possession limit is two (2).
For easy reference you can use the Northwest Territories Sport Fishing Regulations Guide for catch limits, gear types and other information.
If you have any questions please contact us.
To find out how to purchase a licence and find out about current fees please visit https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/nt/thaidene-nene/activ/peche-fishing/permis-permit-info
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