© ITI/Pat Kane
Business Licencing
Do you currently operate in the area that is now Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve? Are you thinking of operating a business in Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve?
A Parks Canada business licence is required to operate within Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve, as per the National Parks of Canada Businesses Regulations. The National Park Reserve is part of Thaıdene Nëné Indigenous Protected Area, which also includes a territorial protected area and a territorial proposed conservation area.
Parks Canada does not have a separate business licence and tour operator licence requirement. You will only have to apply for a business licence for your company within the national park reserve boundaries. Please note there are no changes for territorial requirements (business licence and tour operator licence) outside of the national park reserve. If you have any questions on territorial licencing, please contact the ITI North Slave regional office: (867) 767-9212 or Tourism_NorthSlave@gov.nt.ca
To find out more about business licencing in Thaıdene Nëné National Park Reserve, please read our Frequently Asked Questions. Thaıdene Nëné has two main types of business licences Guided/Outfitter and Air Charters. If your company owns and/or operates aircraft, you will need to apply for an Air Charters business licence.
Useful documents:
- Application - Air Charters (includes aircraft access permit and fuel cache permit applications)
- Application - Guided/Outfitter
- Insurance Requirements
- Emergency Response Plan Template
- General Terms and Conditions
- Guide Certification Tables
Parks Canada business licences are valid from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.
If you require additional information or need assistance with your business licence application, please contact us.
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