
Wood Buffalo National Park

Area Closure: Recreational trails in Wood Buffalo National Park

Issued: August 29, 2024

What: Pursuant to Section 36(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, all travel and access to the following area within Wood Buffalo National Park is restricted or prohibited by order of the Superintendent.


  • The Salt River Trail System Karstland trail with the exception of the snake pit area at the beginning of Karstland Trail near the Salt River Day-Use Area
  • Salt Pan Lake trail
  • Benchmark Creek trail including the Grosbeak route
  • Salt River Meadows trail
  • Lane Lake Trail
  • Lakeside Trail from the Lane Lake connector to Kettle Point

Why: To ensure public safety. Hazards include safety concerns, remaining debris and inaccessibility related to 2023 wildfires.

Note: It is an offence under the Canada National Parks Act to enter a closed area in the manner described above. Violators may be charged.

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