Peace Athabasca Delta Flooding Story map

Wood Buffalo National Park

Take a trip down the Athabasca and Peace Rivers and experience the power and importance of flooding in the Peace Athabasca delta. In the spring of 2020, this area experienced significant flooding which had not been seen in many, many years. The process of flooding on the land creates tremendous natural benefits for the delta, its plants and wildlife.


Documenting and showcasing the timeline of the floods and monitoring of them was a widespread effort of many partners all the members of the Wood Buffalo National Park Action Plan Environmental Flows and Hydrology Working Group which included:

  • Alberta Environment and Parks River Forecast Centre
  • BC Hydro
  • Environment & Climate Change Canada
  • Mikisew Cree, Athabasca Chipewyan, Little Red River Cree First Nations and the Fort Chipewyan Metis Council
  • Members and volunteers from the Fort Chipewyan community based monitoring program


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