Today we use carefully planned prescribed fire
Thousand Islands National Park
What is the best way to restore fire? In most parks, we cannot simply let nature take its course. There is too much risk to life and property inside and outside parks. Remote parks may permit some fires to burn with little interference, but no fire is left unattended.

Instead, a program of "prescribed" fire is used. These fires are ignited by park staff. How they are managed is extensively planned before-hand. Trained specialists decide when, where, and under what limits such fires will be permitted to burn. They consider weather, type of vegetation, fire behavior, and terrain in order to burn safely and meet ecological goals.
To address these challenges, fire management policies now acknowledge the importance of fire in the Thousand Islands National Parks. While we continue to suppress threatening wildfires, we now work to reintroduce fire and its benefits to our landscapes. Our current program has evolved from decades of experience fighting, lighting and researching the effects of fire on the landscape.
Parks Canada is now a leader in fire management.
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