Thousand Islands National Park
Restricted activity order: West Grenadier Island
Issued: January 18, 2021
Entry and travel restriction
What: Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activities are prohibited by order of the Superintendent:
All public use, entry and travel in the designated area of West Grenadier within Thousand Islands National Park of Canada.
Where: The area of West Grenadier Island as delineated on the attached map and described as:
- Commencing at easting 427771 northing 4914957
- Thence following the contours of the shoreline south to easting 427915 northing 4914791
- Thence following the contours of the shoreline east to easting 428051 northing 4914855
- Thence in a straight line north to easting 427913 northing 4915054
- Thence returning in a straight line west to the commencement point
Exception: Travel to and from the historic shelter will be permitted by use of the designated trail only.
Why: To ensure the recovery and protection of a threatened species listed in Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act.
Note: Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act.
Start date: 2019-04-01
End date: Until further notice

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