Weather and water safety

Thousand Islands National Park


Sunset over a dock.
Rain starting over water and islands.


Thousand Islands National Park is renowned for its hot, humid summer days that go on forever.  While this is perfect for enjoying a sunset from one of the park islands, it generates the potential for regular weather-related hazards. Heat warnings are common for this region, as are severe weather warnings. It is important that you check the weather here before heading out to enjoy the park. If you see signs of severe weather approaching move to a sheltered location and follow instructions as provided by the weather warning.

Marine safety and conditions

Storm clouds over the water.


Many visitors choose to enjoy Thousand Islands national Park by boat. In fact the region is known around the world for the spectacular boating opportunities available here. While boating in the area is generally quite safe there are a number of challenges to be aware of. At certain times of the year traffic can be very high creating congestion and the risk of collisions. Water levels fluctuate often and rapidly, exposing and covering hazards to navigation constantly. Lake breezes are a common occurrence in late summer and can create rough water.  

There are many resources available to help you enjoy a safe day on the water.  

For more information on Boating Rules and Boating Safety visit the Canada Office of Boating Safety.

For More information on water conditions and forecasts visit the Environment Canada Marine Forecast for the park area.

For more information on current water levels see the Fisheries and Oceans Tides website.  

For information on specific nautical hazards please visit the Canadian Coast Guard Notices to Mariners or Notices to Shipping websites. 

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