
Bruce Peninsula National Park

PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice to hunters in the vicinity of Bruce Peninsula National Park

Issued: October 12, 2023

Park boundaries

Bruce Peninsula National Park is located within Ontario’s Wildlife Management Unit 83A. Hunting is prohibited in national parks. It is the responsibility of the hunter to be aware of their location when hunting near the park boundary. Contact park staff at bruce-fathomfive@pc.gc.ca for the most up-to-date boundary information. It is illegal to possess wildlife dead or alive in a national park. 

Transportation of firearms in a national park

A Special Activity Permit is required to transport firearms across properties administered by Parks Canada. Firearms transported in or through a national park must be unloaded and encased at all times. Firearms and associated permits must be available for inspection on the request of a park warden. 

Communications regarding location of wildlife

No person shall communicate by any means the location of wildlife within the park to any person within or outside the park if either person is hunting. 

Wounded wildlife retrieval policy

Wildlife shot and wounded legally on provincial or private lands that subsequently run into Bruce Peninsula National Park must be reported to a park warden for assistance in tracking and retrieval by contacting our 24-hour dispatch service at 519-596-2702. Hunters who plan to transport wildlife through any part of Bruce Peninsula National Park must notify our 24-hour dispatch service prior to entering or exiting the park. 

For more information about Bruce Peninsula National Park visit parkscanada.ca/bruce or contact the Resource Conservation Office at bruce-fathomfive@pc.gc.ca.

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