Visitor guidelines

Bruce Peninsula National Park

Park warden driving a boat

Regulations are designed to protect you, the visitor, and also the park for enjoyment by future generations. It is your responsibility to be aware of the regulations. If you have any questions please contact the park's visitor centre at 519-596-2233.

Bruce Peninsula National Park has implemented changes to policies at Cyprus Lake Campground in all camping and yurt accommodations.

Quiet hours

While excessive noise is not permitted at any time of the day, the park has implemented a formal Quiet Hours schedule.

  • Quiet hours are in effect from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • During quiet hours, music, generators, loud conversation and consumption of alcohol are prohibited.
  • Kindling or maintaining campfires after 11 pm is prohibited.
  • Only campsite / yurt site occupants are allowed on a site after 10 p.m.

Please remember, even quiet conversations can carry through a forested area. Please report disturbances to the park wardens or park staff.


Please keep your campfire safe for you and the environment by following these rules:

  • Keep fires small – To reduce their impact on the environment, fires must be contained within the fire pit provided and be kept to a reasonable size. It is illegal to start a fire outside of a designated location.
  • Use firewood provided – Purchase firewood from the Cyprus Lake Campground Office. It is prohibited to use or possess firewood that has not been sourced from within the boundaries of the Municipality of Northern Bruce Peninsula. Transporting wood from elsewhere may spread invasive bugs and disease. Do not burn garbage or collect deadfall from the surrounding forest for burning.
  • Keep it down - Please respect your neighbour by keeping your voices down. Remember kindling or maintaining of a campfire is not permitted after 11 p.m. and all campfires must be extinguished by midnight (12 a.m.)
  • Never leave a fire – Fires must be attended at all times.
  • BBQ’s – Charcoal barbeques are permitted. Please dump cold ashes into a fire pit.
  • Backcountry camping – No open fires are allowed.
Alcohol and cannabis policies

From May 1 to October 31, an alcohol policy is in place.

  • Alcohol can only be consumed by campers at their specific site in the Cyprus Lake Campground
  • During all long weekends, a full ban on the possession, use and consumption of alcohol and cannabis will be in effect. The weekends when alcohol and cannabis are not permitted in the park at any time are: 
    • Victoria Day Long Weekend 
    • Canada Day Long Weekend 
    • Civic Holiday Long Weekend 
    • Labour Day Long Weekend
    • Thanksgiving Long Weekend
Campground policies and regulations 

You can ensure you're a good neighbour, and guarantee a good camping experience for yourself, by respecting and adhering to the following policies and regulations:

  • Campsites – Camping is only permitted in designated campsites
  • Equipment  - Maximum 3 camping units per site, only 1 of these units can be a camping vehicle
  • Noise - Excessive noise in the park at any time is prohibited. Tamaracks Campground, group sites and the Yurt Camping area are radio free at all times
  • Washing Dishes – Use a personal basin for washing dishes on your campsite (not the bathrooms or water taps)
  • Washing Laundry – Please use your own tub and dump water down the outdoor sink or toilets. Laundry facilities are available in the Town of Tobermory
  • Children –To ensure the safety of your children, please supervise them at all times. Children may become lost in the campground or may unknowingly trespass on a neighbouring campsite
  • Driving – Respect the posted speed limits and remain alert while driving in the campground. Trees may obstruct your view and pedestrians, especially children, may suddenly dart out onto the road
  • Accessing Facilities – Please use roadways and pathways to access campground facilities (cook shelters, bathrooms, etc.) and your own campsite. Cutting through a neighbouring campsite will disturb other campers and may cause damage to the fragile vegetation
  • Garbage – Help keep the park clean by disposing of garbage in one of the designated dumpsters on site
  • Pack In, Pack Out - Flowerpot Island and all backcountry campsites are "Pack In, Pack Out," whereby all garbage (food wrappers, beverage containers, etc.) brought into the site must be brought out on your person
Campground parking
  • 1 vehicle is included with the campsite reservation
  • Registration is required for a second vehicle permit to be added to campsite reservations, additional fees apply
  • Maximum of 2 vehicles or 2 motorcycles parked on site with valid permits on display
  • All additional vehicles must register at the office, display a valid permit (fees apply) and park in overflow parking lots
  • Campground vehicle permits are not valid in parking lots that require reservations (ex. Grotto parking or Halfway Log Dump parking).

All Parks Canada places are “no drone zones” for recreational use. Please leave your drone at home. 


Under the Canada National Parks Act it is illegal to disturb or collect any plants, animals, rocks, shells or artifacts. By complying with this regulation you will be helping to preserve Bruce Peninsula National Park and Fathom Five National Marine Park for future visitors.

Use and possession of natural bait is prohibited

For the protection of the inland lakes in the park against the threat of invasive species, the use and possession of live, natural or other fish bait is prohibited.

Motorised boats are prohibited on all inland lakes including Cyprus and Emmett Lake including electronic trolling motors

The reason for this prohibition is to prevent the spread of invasive species into inland lakes in the national park, and to mitigate against the threat of pollution.

  • Pets are to be on a leash at all time.
  • Pets are not to be left unattended on campsites or in vehicles. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to leave your pet unattended in your car during warm weather. Authorities will be contacted if necessary.
  • Please clean up after your pet.
Bicycles and motorised vehicles are prohibited on all trails unless otherwise authorised
Walking along Cyprus Lake Road from the Gatehouse to the Cyprus Lake Campground Office is prohibited for visitor safety

This prohibition is in place from May 1 until October 31. This order is in place to ensure visitors safety on a busy road that does not have required dimensions to allow for pedestrians.


Use of, selling, or purchasing fireworks, or any type of explosive, is not permitted within the national park.

For a complete listing of the Canada National Parks Act and Regulations visit:

Commercial film and photography guidelines

Application process

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