
Georgian Bay Islands National Park

Restricted activity order: Water lots

Issued: February 27, 2025

Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activities are prohibited by order of the Superintendent:

  • Obstructing or impeding dock space by anchoring or mooring your vessel or belongings in the vicinity of any dock
  • Mooring vessels to trees.
  • Mooring vessels to park signs.
  • Mooring to or infringing on swim lines. Vessels are not permitted in designated swimming areas at any time.
  • Creating excessive noise and/or unreasonable behaviour at any time. Quiet hours are from 11:00 pm until 8:00 am.
  • Consumption or use of alcohol/cannabis between the hours of 11:00 pm until 8:00 am.
  • Possessing fireworks.
  • Hunting, possessing, disturbing, touching or feeding wildlife.
  • Littering of any material.
  • Operating or possessing a metal detector within Georgian Bay Islands National Park without written approval from the Superintendent.
  • Operating or possessing a drone within Georgian Bay Islands National Park or managed water lots without written approval from the Superintendent.
  • Scuba diving or hookah diving of any kind without written approval from the Superintendent.
  • Conducting any business without written approval from the Superintendent.


  • All water lots managed by Georgian Bay Islands National Park.

To promote a quality visitor experience. 

Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act and other applicable Provincial/ Federal legislation. Failure to comply may result in immediate eviction from Parks Canada property.

Start date:

End date: 
Until further notice

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