Management Plan
Point Pelee National Park
Parks Canada is reviewing the management plan for Point Pelee National Park.
The management plan provides strategic direction for the management of a national park over a ten-year period. It is required by legislation, guided by public consultation, approved by the Minister responsible for Parks Canada, and tabled in Parliament. It is the primary public accountability document for each National Park.
Next Steps for Point Pelee National Park
We are incorporating feedback into the management plan and the final plan will be posted at a later date.
For any questions on management planning, please contact us at: pelee.info@pc.gc.ca.

Management Planning Cycle
As a strategic and long-term guide, a management plan establishes a vision looking 10 or more years into the future. Its primary goal is to ensure that there is a clearly defined direction for the management of ecological integrity and is intended to guide appropriate use. Direction is also described for visitor experience programs, which are recognized as a fundamental means for achieving both protection and use objectives.
During the first phase of consultation in preparing the draft plan, a management plan overview for Point Pelee was available on the park website and distributed to Indigenous partners and key stakeholders. Notifications were sent to elected officials and meetings were held with Indigenous partners, Non-Governmental Organizations, and public sector organizations.
Overall, participants shared a variety of ideas and issues, and the feedback we heard helped shape the vision, key strategies and objectives found in the draft management plan.
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