Getting that perfect photograph
Capture the perfect sunset or an amazing wildlife photograph in Rouge National Urban Park! The highlight of your trip might be just around the corner of your favourite hiking trail or next scenic drive. When travelling in the park there are countless opportunities to view wildlife, enjoy scenic views or study flowers and plants. Make sure your batteries are charged and that you have plenty of memory to capture the perfect photograph.
Photography etiquette
Please treat the landscape and its inhabitants with respect; stay on established trails to avoid trampling vegetation and always give wildlife plenty of space. Photographers who travel the park in search of good photo opportunities have a special responsibility to wildlife and fellow visitors. If you don’t have a telephoto lens (at least 300-400 mm), show the animal in its natural surroundings.
- Do not surround, crowd or follow an animal.
- Never put people (especially children) at risk by posing them with wildlife.
- Do not stalk or pursue wildlife.
- Never follow an animal into the bush.
- Do not try to entice wildlife by feeding or by simulating animal calls.
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