Rouge National Urban Park Multi-stakeholder and Public Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
Rouge National Urban Park
March 2021
Rouge National Urban Park (RNUP) Multi-stakeholder and Public Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee is a local advisory board of Parks Canada Agency established by Canada’s Minister of the Environment and Climate Change under the Rouge National Urban Park Act.
The RNUP Multi-stakeholder and Public Advisory Committee is established to provide recommendations, knowledge, guidance and wisdom to the Minister through RNUP’s Field Unit Superintendent for consideration regarding the responsible management of RNUP and the implementation of the RNUP Management Plan. The Advisory Committee also provides a forum for ongoing collaboration and strong relationships between RNUP and Indigenous and other partners, former public land holders, stakeholders, and the public.
The Advisory Committee consists of members appointed by the Minister from the RNUP First Nations Advisory Circle, the Province of Ontario, local municipalities, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), and six (6) publicly nominated members appointed by the Minister following a public solicitation process. One of the public members will be appointed by the Minister as the Chair.
The RNUP First Nations Advisory Circle will recommend to the Minister for appointment up to ten (10) representatives from the Advisory Circle (one seat will be offered to each of the ten nations comprising the Circle), and the Minister will appoint representatives recommended from each of the following jurisdictions:
- City of Toronto (up to 3 reps)
- York (1 rep each from the City of Markham, the Regional Municipality of York, and the Township of Whitchurch-Stouffville) (3 reps total)
- Durham (1 rep each from the City of Pickering, the Regional Municipality of Durham, and the Township of Uxbridge) (3 reps total)
- The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (1 rep)
- The Province of Ontario (up to 2 reps)
Eligibility criteria
All advisory committee members must satisfy the following eligibility requirements:
- Interest in and knowledge of the mandate of Parks Canada, Rouge National Urban Park and the principles and application of ecological integrity;
- Experience with at least one of the following areas: the principles and application of ecological integrity; the protection or celebration of natural, cultural or agricultural heritage; sustainable tourism; farming; education; community economic development; visitor experience and attractions; or culinary arts;
- Sound judgment, tact, respect, fairness, and decorum;
- Experience working effectively in public and private sector environments;
- Excellent listening skills and the ability to analyze complex information;
- Ability to work effectively and respectfully with others;
- Ability to communicate clearly and concisely;
- Demonstrated high ethical standards and integrity;
- Respect for diversity, inclusion, human equity and universal accessibility.
Current employees or contractors of Parks Canada, incumbent elected officials, or former elected officials whose terms have ended within two years of the start of the committee appointment period, cannot be appointed as public committee members, nor can anyone with a conflict of interest or a perceived conflict of interest.
The Chair of the Advisory Committee must also satisfy the following additional eligibility criteria:
- Demonstrated leadership and administrative skills;
- Highly developed chairing and facilitation skills; and
- An ability to effectively represent the Advisory Committee and work constructively with Parks Canada to convey and communicate recommendations, guidance, knowledge and wisdom
Term of office
The suggested term of office for all members is four years.
Advisory Committee Member Responsibilities:
- Preparing for and attending all Advisory Committee meetings, and in particular, attending such meetings in person where safe to so;
- Obtaining input from their respective constituencies, presenting this input during discussions, and keeping their respective constituencies informed of park discussions and outcomes;
- Sharing perspectives, knowledge, guidance and wisdom on the topics identified;
- Ensuring the Committee’s deliberations are mindful of the numerous and diverse communities served by the Park,
- Advising Parks Canada of emerging issues, information, and/or research relevant to RNUP;
- Following and respecting the Rouge National Urban Park Act, including ecological integrity as the park’s first priority and all aspects of the reasons for RNUP’s establishment: “Rouge National Urban Park is established for the purposes of protecting and presenting, for current and future generations, the natural and cultural heritage of the Park and its diverse landscapes, promoting a vibrant farming community and encouraging Canadians to discover and connect with their national protected heritage areas”; and
- Working collaboratively and respectfully with other Advisory Committee members.
In addition, the Chair of the Advisory Committee has the following responsibilities:
- Ensuring that the Advisory Committee’s meetings are fair and effective;
- Ensuring the quality and integrity of the Advisory Committee’s advice;
- Ensuring the Advisory Committee respects the terms of reference;
- Effectively chairing Advisory Committee meetings;
Liaising with RNUP’s Field Unit Superintendent and, at the discretion of the Superintendent, Parks Canada staff on administrative support matters; and
- Providing updates or reports to RNUP’s Field Unit Superintendent on Advisory Committee meeting discussions. The reports will include: an executive summary of each meeting, highlighting key discussion points, action items, and any pertinent recommendations.
Parks Canada’s Responsibilities:
- Organizing meetings, sending meeting agendas and other materials in advance, taking minutes for approval by both the Chair and the Field Unit Superintendent, and providing other administrative support as required;
- Reporting to the Advisory Committee on Management Plan implementation progress, and on the status of previous recommendations received from the group;
- Inviting guests and technical experts to meetings on the request of the Committee; and
- Receiving the recommendations, advice and guidance provided by the Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee will meet up to two times per year in RNUP or an alternate location in the Greater Toronto Area.
Meetings will not exceed three hours in duration except as necessary in the discretion of the chair.
Meetings are open to all Advisory Committee members, the Field Unit Superintendent and additional Parks Canada employees as designated by the Field Unit Superintendent.
Public members of the Advisory Committee will volunteer their time without financial compensation. Parks Canada may, under exceptional circumstances or for First Nations partners, reimburse direct costs related to traveling to meetings.
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