Photo credit: Kim Gamble.
Species at Risk
Prince Edward Island National Park
PEI National Park provides important habitat (home!) for several species at risk.
PEI National Park features 42 kilometres of breathtaking coastline on the island’s north shore. The sand dunes and beaches, wetlands and forests are home to over 400 species of plants and 300 species of birds and other wildlife. The beaches are a sanctuary for the endangered Piping Plover that returns every spring for its breeding season; the coastal ponds are home to the American Eel, a threatened species in Canada. The dunes offer habitat for a variety of plant and wildlife species, including two plant species at risk: Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster and Beach Pinweed.
- Piping Plover
- Canada Warbler
- Olive-sided Flycatcher
- Barn Swallow
- Common Nighthawk
- Rusty Blackbird
- Yellow-breasted Chat
- Short-eared Owl
- Bobolink
- Red Knot
Everyone can help protect species at risk and their habitats.
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