Maritime Transport Services

Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve

Please note that these private companies act independently in matters of maritime transport and assume full responsibility for their services. Parks Canada provides this information as a guide and is not responsible or liable for any errors therein.

Private companies recognized by Parks Canada offer a variety of transportation services to the islands from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan and Havre-Saint-Pierre. One of them will surely meet your needs!


Most boat operators are in operation from June to September. Some companies are also in operation before and after these dates. Schedules and routes are subject to change at the beginning and end of seasons. We ask that you contact the boat owners directly to verify the schedules and obtain more information.

All interpretation activities are presented in French, although some are available in English upon request and availability of staff.


Departures from Havre-Saint-Pierre

Departures from Havre-Saint-Pierre
Company/Contact Details Destination Islands

Services Maritimes Boréale


Le Marsouin III - 12 passengers
Le Calculot - 47 passengers
Le Perroquet de Mer - 47 passengers
Le Capitaine Yockell - 47 passengers

To the Centre sector

Animated tours.
Variable duration.
Fixed schedule.

Île Niapiskau (with Parks Canada heritage presenter)
Île Quarry (with Parks Canada heritage presenter)
Île du Fantôme (with Parks Canada heritage presenter)

To the East sector

Animated tours.
Variable duration and schedule.

Petite Île au Marteau (interpretation by the company)
Betchouane Migratory Bird Sanctuary - no stopover (interpretation by the company)
Île Saint-Charles and Île de la Fausse Passe - no stopover (interpretation by the company)

Departures from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan

Departures from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan
Company/Contact Details Destination Islands

Excursions du Phare


Le Phare I - 12 passengers
Le Phare II - 12 passengers
Le Phare III - 12 passengers

To the West sector

Animated tours.
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes or 6 hours

Île Nue de Mingan (with Parks Canada heritage presenter or interpretation by the company)
Île aux Perroquets (with Parks Canada heritage presenter or interpretation by the company)
La Grande Île (interpretation by the company)

Les Entreprises Touristiques Loiselle


Le Perroquet - 12 passengers
Le Macareux - 12 passengers
Le Loup-marin - 12 passengers

To the West sector

Animated tours.
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes

Île Nue de Mingan (with Parks Canada heritage presenter or interpretation by the company)
Île aux Perroquets (with Parks Canada heritage presenter or interpretation by the company)


For campers, hikers and picnickers wishing to explore precise destinations.

For campers, hikers and picnickers wishing to explore precise destinations.
Company/Contact Details Destination Islands

Excursions du Phare


Le Phare I - 12 passengers
Le Phare II - 12 passengers
Le Phare III - 12 passengers

Departure from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan.

Variable duration and schedule

For campers:
Île Nue de Mingan
La Grande Île
Île Quarry

For hikers:
Île aux Perroquets
Île Nue de Mingan
La Grande Île

Les Entreprises Touristiques Loiselle


Le Perroquet - 12 passengers
Le Macareux - 12 passengers
Le Loup-Marin - 12 passengers

Departure from Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan.

Variable duration and schedule.

For campers:
Île Nue de Mingan
La Grande Île
Île Quarry

For hikers:
Île aux Perroquets
Île Nue de Mingan

Services Maritimes Boréale


Le Marsouin III - 12 passengers
Le Calculot - 47 passengers
Le Perroquet de Mer - 47 passengers
Le Capitaine Yockell - 47 passengers

Departure from Havre-Saint-Pierre
Variable duration.
Fixed schedule.

For campers:
Île à la Chasse
Île du Havre (Anse des Noyés sector)
Île Niapiskau
Île Quarry
La Grande Île

For hikers:
Grosse Île au Marteau
Petite Île au Marteau
Île du Havre
Île Niapiskau
Île Quarry


Sea Kayaking
Company/Contact Details Destination Islands

Noryak Aventures


Daily expedition: Île aux Perroquets, La Grande Île, Baie de la Romaine
Base Camp expedition from 4 to 6 days, in Barachois à Montpetit campground, on La Grande Île.
Custom packages from one to several days.
Groups of 12 persons maximum.

Île aux Perroquets
La Grande Île
Île Quarry
Île Niapiskau
Île du Fantôme
Île du Havre

Quatre Natures


7-day package including a 5-day tour in the Mingan Archipelago.
Departure by vehicle from Québec to Havre-Saint-Pierre.
Groups of 12 persons maximum.

Île du Havre
Île Niapiskau
Île Quarry
La Grande Île

Stand-Up Paddleboarding
Company/Contact Details Destination Islands

Les Vagues


SUP Marteau: Excursion to Grosse Île au Marteau with a stopover on Petite Île au Marteau.
* Return trip by boat if weather conditions are unfavourable.
SUP Quarry: Excursion around Île Quarry with transportation by boat

Groups of 12 persons maximum.

SUP and equipment available for rent.

Grosse Île au Marteau
Petite Île au Marteau
Île du Havre
Île Quarry

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