Backcountry camping
Grasslands National Park
Drop your pack following an exhilarating hike. Pitch a tent where no one has camped before – well, maybe not for a thousand years! Look forward to the sunset, and perhaps hear a coyote howl. The park is yours to explore when Back Country Camping.
Respect the Environment
- Arrive and depart with clean gear and clothing to prevent the spread of invasive plants.
- Pack out all garbage including food waste, diapers, and hygiene products.
- To dispose of human waste, select a spot at least 70 m away from trails, campsites and water sources. Dig a shallow hole with a stick or heel of your boot. Cover the hole with soil afterwards. Pack out toilet paper.
- Keep your pet on a leash at all times. Pets are not permitted on prairie dog colonies.
- Wildflowers, horns, antlers, rocks, fossils, arrowheads, tipi rings and all other natural and historical objects in a national park are protected by law. Leave them in their natural setting for others to discover and enjoy.
West Block and East Block
- All back country campers are required to register with staff at the visitor centre or campground office and receive safety and regulation orientation prior to departure.
- Choose a Backcountry Zone and park at designated trailhead
- Plan to camp out of view of roads and trails – a minimum of 1 km – as there are no designated backcountry sites
- No open fires are permitted
- Conditions vary year-round, but plan for fire bans (including camp stoves) in summer. Contact the Visitor Centre for details
- Plan to carry sufficient water for your stay. All surface water in the area is unfit for human consumption. Treating water by boiling, filtering or adding iodine may remove some bacteria, but will not help with the salinity
- Pack out everything that was packed in
- Always carry a map and GPS/compass.
For more information:
To reserve in advance:
1.877.RESERVE (1.877.737.3783)
TTY only 1.866.787.6221
Campground Reservation Service
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