Grasslands National Park
What is geocaching?
Geocaching is a fun, outdoor treasure hunting game. Participants use Global Positioning System or GPS units to find hidden containers called caches. The caches are hidden in special places in Grasslands National Park. When you find the cache, you will discover why that place is so important!
Five themes – West Block
Find 5 geocaches hidden in the West Block of Grasslands National Park. Each cache has a short story about one of the 5 Park Themes! You can complete this multicache while visiting other areas of the park. You will need to hike about 10km total but this can be done over one day or several!
Geocaching for Kids! --- West Block
Do you like gadgets? Do you like exploring? Try finding our three geocaches that are hidden in the Frenchman Valley Campground. When you get to each geocache make sure to complete the activities! You’ll learn so much to share with your friends and family!
To participate, here’s what you need to do:
- Join the global GPS caching website. It’s free
- Search “GrasslandsNP” or filter for hidden by “GrasslandsNP”
- Find each cache
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