Science and conservation
Grasslands National Park
In less than one century the native grasslands have become one of the most endangered biomes in the world.
Grasslands National Park is home to a unique blend of prairie-adapted common and endangered species from the Pronghorn Antelope, Sage Grouse, Burrowing Owl, and Ferruginous Hawk to the Prairie Rattlesnake and Greater Short-horned Lizard. Grasslands and the area immediately around the park are the only places in Canada where Black-tailed Prairie Dogs exist in their native habitat.
The park has a proven track record of effective recovery for species at risk. Parks Canada is a leader in ecological management and restoration. Grasslands has been very successful in developing and delivering prairie conservation actions that are effective, efficient and truly engage Canadians. Through collaborative efforts with partners and stakeholders, Grasslands protects and monitors a fairly complete range of prairie flora and fauna.
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