Improvements and infrastructure
Prince Albert National Park
What to know before you visit
To help you plan your visit to Prince Albert National Park, please see below for a list of current and upcoming projects. This is not an exhaustive list of infrastructure projects underway. Only projects that may impact visitors are listed. Please plan ahead before you travel to avoid inconvenience.
For more information on construction projects please contact Parks Canada Visitor Services at 306-663-4522 or email: princealbertinfo@pc.gc.ca
Lakeview Drive storm drain renewal
Portions of the four-way intersection on Lakeview Drive in the townsite of Waskesiu will be excavated to install a new storm drain system. The current storm drain system is above the frost-line. The new system will be deeper and will alleviate mid-winter flooding that occurs at the site.
The 4-way stop will remain open during the construction period, however visitors may experience minor traffic delays and / or temporary detours during the construction period.
Upgrades to the storm drain system are scheduled to begin in Fall 2022.
Beaver Glen Campground sanitary sewer line replacement
The Beaver Glen Campground sanitary sewer line replacement will reduce infiltration into the sewer system and pressure on the sewage lagoon. An assessment of townsite utilities revealed that the line coming out of Beaver Glen is deteriorated beyond repair and needs replacement. There will be minimal impact to visitors with periodic disruptions while the project is underway due to the location of the work. Visitors may notice increased vehicle traffic in the area. This project is expected to be underway in 2022 and 2023.
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