Stewardship and management
Ivvavik National Park
The 2018 Ivvavik National Park Plan
In October 2018, the new management plan for Ivvavik National Park was tabled in Parliament and will guide management decisions for the next 10 years. Ivvavik National Park was established in 1984 through provisions in the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) and together with Parks Canada, the Inuvialuit have worked to manage Ivvavik with the attention to the spirit and intentions of the IFA. The new management plan was developed by Parks Canada in close collaboration with a variety of Inuvialuit and other regional partners including the community of Aklavik, the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation and the Yukon Territorial Government. The Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope) – a cooperative management body created under the IFA to manage wildlife in Ivvavik National park and the remainder of the Yukon North Slope – provided valuable input during the drafting process and formally recommended the final version of the plan to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. During the summer of 2017, other regional partners, stakeholders and the public at large provided insightful feedback as part of the public consultation phase on a draft of the new plan. This included making a draft of the plan available to the broader public on the Parks Canada website and social media. Support for the management plan was received during consultation with Indigenous peoples, stakeholders and Canadians at large.
Through this management plan, Parks Canada is meeting its promise to protect and present Canada’s natural heritage while also providing an opportunity for Canadians to experience and discover our environment in new and exciting ways.
This plan sets clear, strategic direction for the management and operation of Ivvavik National Park by articulating a vision, key strategies and objectives. Moving forward, a continual, open dialogue with the Inuvialuit will be maintained to ensure relevancy and meaningfulness of this plan.
The new plan for Ivvavik National Park outlines objectives based on the following key strategies:
- Protect and conserve natural ecosystems, habitat, wildlife, cultural resources and Inuvialuit practices.
- Encourage opportunities for use while respecting ecological and cultural values.
- Ensure meaningful and tangible opportunities that strengthen Inuvialuit benefits from park related economic activities and management. With emphases placed on both direct benefits such as employment in park operations, as well as indirect benefits through park related business opportunities.
- Develop understanding and awareness of the significance of the park to global natural and cultural diversity through the sharing of knowledge and experience with others.
- Ivvavik National Park of Canada Management Plan 2018 (PDF, 1.5 Mb)
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