Ivvavik Video
Ivvavik National Park
Wildlife Cameras of Ivvavik National Park
Un-bear-able Itch
Ivvavik National Park,
at the Northern tip of Canada's Yukon Territory,
has approximately 400 bears...
and all are looking for
the perfect scratching tree.
One week in Ivvavik National Park
[There is no spoken dialogue associated with this video
[Text on Screen] One Week in Ivvavik National Park
5 caribou in the frame, one staring at the camera
[Text on Screen]Each Spring, the caribou herd returns to the coastal plains to calve
Small groups of caribou move across the video frame, some stop to put their muzzles to the ground
[Text on screen] These photos are from June 16 to 23, 2012, at a natural mineral lick
[Text on Screen] The herd is estimated at 169,000 animals
A cow and several calves are licking the ground
[Text on Screen] Most calves are born within a few days of each other
A cow and calf walk right to left across the frame
[Text on Screen] Cows time their arrival with the green up of plants to forage on
Three caribou in frame eating plants and licking the ground
[Text on Screen] Caribou calves mature quickly to outrun predators
Four adult caribou and 1 calf walk through the scene
[Text on Screen] The best Inuvialuit athletes are said to have "caribou lungs"
Five adult caribou and 3 calves walk through the scene
[Text on Screen] Where the caribou go, the wolves follow
Close up of wolf nose sniffing camera. No caribou in shot
[Text on Screen]The herd migrates 1300 km to forage and seek relief from insects
The rear end of a caribou exits right with a large swarm of bugs chasing afer it
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Arctic Oasis
[There is no spoken dialogue associated with this video
[Text on Screen] Ivvavik National Park
[Text on Screen] in Canada's Western Arctic
[Text on Screen] If you are a Dolly Varden Char
[Text on screen] Summer living is easy
[Text on screen] But what do you do in winter
[Text on Screen] when rivers and streams freeze solid?
[Text on Screen] Swim to the Arctic Oasis!
[Text on Screen] Where warm geothermal springs
[Text on Screen] keep this Oasis from freezing.
[Text on Screen] What an awesome place!
[Text on Screen] Ivvavik National Park
[Text on Screen] in Canada's Western Arctic
[Text on Screen] Music: Bullhead (fish) Song
[Text on Screen] Artist: Sopotaituk
[Text on Screen] Norman "Shephard" Felix
[Text on Screen] pc.gc.ca/ivvavik
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Canadian Flag
Remote Cameras in the Western Arctic - Ivvavik National Park
00:00 This video contains no spoken word.- Date modified :