Meet Cassidy, Summer Student

Out of all the parks in the western Arctic, my favourite is Aulavik National Park because of how serene it is. The cultural sites that I witnessed there while paddling the Thomsen River are incredibly well preserved. Paddling the river, and seeing how the landscape changed as we travelled further north was fascinating to experience.
Best project/study you’ve gotten to work on?The best project I’ve gotten to work on is the Aulavik National Park 2021 river trip. Paddling allows us to truly experience the park and become fully immersed. Working with an amazing group of people to collect samples was an unforgettable experience.
Favourite part of your job?My favourite part of my job is the teamwork. Working with teammates while we’re in town preparing to go in to the field and while we’re in the field is super important. It allows us to increase efficiency, ensure safety, and collaborate on ideas while working toward a common goal.
What do you love most about science?What I love most about science is that it enables us to continue asking questions and empowers us to gain greater understanding of how ecosystems function. I’m curious by nature, so I get a huge kick out of learning new facts and understanding how various species interact with each other in the western Arctic.
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