Community Facilities and Services
Aklavik Services and Facilities

Aklavik is located on the Peel Channel on the west side of the Mackenzie Delta, approximately 55 kilometres from Inuvik and 150 kilometres from Ivvavik. Ivvavik is most closely associated with Aklavik, due to the fact that some of the residents have traditionally hunted and trapped in and around the park. With a population of 900 inhabitants, the town has many of the basic services of neighbouring communities, including: health centre, RCMP detachment and two grocery/dry goods stores. For accommodations, there is a lodge open year-round that offers kitchen facilities. There are daily flights to Aklavik from Inuvik. However, if planning to fly to the park, it will still be necessary to charter a plane or helicopter from Inuvik.
Inuvik Services and Facilities

Inuvik is located on the Mackenzie River, 200 kilometres east of Ivvavik. The town has a population of 3,450 and is the regional service centre for the Western Arctic. A wide variety of services are available including several grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, a bank and ATM, hospital, and an RCMP detachment. Inuvik is serviced by the Dempster Highway and by daily flights from southern Canada.
For information on the Inuvik area contact:
Town of Inuvik
2 Firth Street
Inuvik, Northwest Territories
X0E 0T0
Tel.: (867) 777-8600
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