Artist in Residence Program

Kluane National Park and Reserve

Presented in partnership with the Yukon Arts Centre and the Arctic Institute of North America’s Kluane Lake Research Station, the Kluane National Park Artist in Residence Program invites Canadian visual artists to pursue work that brings together science and art through connection with the spectacular landscape of Kluane National Park and Reserve. Artists are housed at the Kluane Lake Research Station on the shores of Kluane Lake (Lhù’ààn Mânʼ) and are given valuable time to retreat, reflect, and focus on their work with access to researchers, Parks Canada staff and scientists. The residencies allow for exploration of Kluane National Park which is the perfect setting to explore the interplay between science, conservation, and art. Artists have the opportunity to share and connect with people from all over the world.

Visitors have the opportunity to connect with artists through drop-in Artist at Work demonstrations, public workshops and artist presentations.

2024 Artists

Artist Bettina Matzkuhn

Bettina Matzkuhn creates stories about ecology, weather, and geography in her textile work. Using embroidery, paint, and fabric collage, she values the familiar and versatile language of textiles. She has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions across Canada, as well as in Korea and the United States.

August 20 - September 3, 2024


Artist Talk and Tea
Friday, August 23, 6 pm - 7:30 pm, Kluane Lake Research Station

An embroidered lichen, a weather map, and a backpack walk into a bar.... Joking aside, Join Bettina for a talk about her use of fibres and textiles as a language and a means of depicting contemporary concerns. She will describe her process as her works trace a love of maps, weather, natural history, and landscapes.

Stitch Vocabulary Workshop
Saturday, August 24, 2 pm - 3:30 pm, Mät’àtäna Män - Kathleen Lake (Day-Use Shelter)

Take a thread for a walk and see where it goes! Join Bettina to learn five basic stitches that will allow you to make lively and expressive marks on cloth. No experience necessary and all materials provided. Tea and hot chocolate will be served.

Open Studio and Shared Project
Saturday, August 31, 1 pm - 2:30 pm, Kluane National Park Visitors Centre in the Da Kų Cultural Centre (Theatre)

Visit Bettina to see how fabric and embroidery allow her to speak about nature. She will have work in progress, samples to handle, and some finished pieces to help answer your questions. All are welcome to contribute to a communal embroidery project!

Artist Misha Donohoe

Misha Donohoe is an Australian-Canadian artist based in Whitehorse, Yukon. A trained evolutionary biologist, Misha brings a nuance of the history and philosophy of science into her artistic practice. Her intricate watercolour and ink paintings reveal and illuminate the plurality of experience and perception.

June 24 - July 8, 2024

Past Artists

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