Angling regulations summary

Kluane National Park and Reserve

This information is meant to be a brief summary designed to help you interpret the rules. Additional information and the complete regulations are available at park offices.

Licenses | Angling | Closed waters | Be bear aware | Overnight backcountry visitors | Help maintain the park's wilderness character | Help us protect Kluane's fish | Catch and possession limits | How to identify your catch | Keep aquatic invaders out


Recreational angling opportunities are provided as a way of experiencing Kluane National Park and Reserve. Possession limits and special conservation measures are established as a way of maintaining healthy fish populations.

Subsistence fishing may be carried out by Yukon First Nations with Traditional Territory in Kluane National Park and Reserve.

Open season for fishing is year round.


You must purchase a national park fishing license when angling in Canada’s national parks. Yukon fishing licenses are not valid.

Annual (valid from April 1 to March 31 of the following year) and one-day licenses are available at the Kluane National Park and Reserve Visitor Centre in Haines Junction and at the Parks Canada office in Haines Junction. They may also be available from retail outlets near the Park.

Youth under the age of 16 may fish in the Park without a license if accompanied by a license holder who is 16 years of age or older. However, their catch is then included within the license holder’s daily limit. Youth under 16 who purchase a license are allowed their own daily limit.

Use of barbless hooks is required: Single hooks only in Kathleen River, and treble or single hooks in other Park waters.


When angling in Kluane National Park and Reserve it is unlawful to:

  • Fish without a valid Kluane National Park and Reserve Fishing License
  • Fish by any method other than angling
  • Fish from 2 hours after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise
  • Use more than one rod and line
  • Leave a fishing line unattended (no set-lines)
  • Use, or be in possession of a lead sinker or jig weighing less than 50 grams
  • Use, or have in possession for use as bait, any live or dead fish or any parts thereof
  • Use a motor boat in the Park other than in Kathleen Lake/River and Mush Lake
  • Use a snowmobile in the Park, other than on the ice surface of Kathleen Lake
  • Sell, offer to sell, trade or barter fish caught within the park
  • Waste or allow fish to spoil that is suitable for human consumption
  • Fish while employed as a fishing guide or boatman during hours of employment

The possession limit shall not exceed one day’s legal catch.

Closed waters

Public access is prohibited in Sockeye Lake and the creek between Sockeye Lake and Louise Lake.

  • Map of closure area

Be bear aware

Fish entrails attract bears. Dispose of them in a park garbage container or sink in backcountry water bodies. Puncturing the air bladder is important to ensure fish entrails sink.

Overnight backcountry visitors

Registration and permits are required for all backcountry camping, and are available at the Kluane National Park and Reserve Visitor Centre located in the Da Kų Cultural Centre (Haines Junction) or the Thechàl Dhâl' Visitor Centre.

Help maintain the park's wilderness character

Please comply with national parks' pack-in pack-out policy and use low impact camping practices.

Help us protect Kluane's fish

Prompt reporting of illegal activities is critical for the conservation and protection of the Park.

Report all poaching and illegal fishing:

Record and report:

  • Date/time
  • Location
  • Description and number of people involved
  • Vehicle descriptions and license plates
  • Details of the violation

Catch and possession limits

Caption text
Species Daily Size restrictions
Kokanee salmon - Sachäl 0 Release ALL kokanee salmon
Rainbow trout - Mbeda 0 Release ALL rainbow trout
Maximum daily catch 6 All species combined
Arctic grayling – T’äwa 4 Release if:
  • 40-48cm (16-19”) in Kathleen and Louise lakes/rivers*
  • Over 40cm (16”) in other Park waters
Lake trout – Mbet 2 All species of char and trout combined, except Rainbow
Release if:
  • 65-100cm (26-39”) in Kathleen and Louise lakes/rivers*
  • Over 65cm (26”) in other Park waters
    Dolly varden 2 All species of char and trout combined, except Rainbow
    Northern pike – Tàte 4 Release if:
    • Over 75cm (30”) in Park waters other than Kathleen and Louise lakes/rivers
    Round whitefish – Sakay 4 All whitefish combined
    Burbot 6

    Slot limits

    Slot limits in national parks use fork length**: measured from the tip of the snout to the fork in the tail.

    fish fork length

    *Only one fish of each species in your daily limit or possession can be over this slot length size.

    How to identify your catch

    Anglers are responsible for distinguishing one fish species from another. If you are unsure, release it.

    Kokanee salmon – Sachäl (Oncorhynchus nerka)
    kokanee salmon
    Silver bodies with NO distinct black spots on side ▪ Fine black specks on back ▪ Mouth extends to back of the eye ▪ Mature males have hooked jaw
    kokanee salmon, spawning
    Spawning: Red bodies ▪ Green or black head ▪ Females do not have hooked jaw and humped back
    Rainbow trout – Oncorhynchus mykiss
    Rainbow trout
    Dark spots on light body (radiating rows on tail) ▪ Red or pink band may be present on the side ▪ Tail slightly forked or square
    Arctic grayling – T’äwa (Thymallus arcticus)
    arctic grayling
    Very large and colorful dorsal fin ▪ Black, diamond-shaped spots along sides ▪ Large scales
    Lake trout – Mbet (Salvelinus namaycush)
    lake trout
    Irregular, worm-like, light mottling (none red or orange) on dark body and dorsal fin ▪ Deeply forked tail
    Dolly Varden – (Salvelinus malma)
    dolly varden
    Red or orange spots on dark body ▪ No mottling on dorsal fin ▪ Slightly forked tail ▪ Small head
    Northern pike – (Esox lucius)
    Northern pike
    Dorsal fin near tail ▪ Large, irregular pale spots in rows on elongated body ▪ Duck-like jaw/snout
    Round whitefish – Sakay (Prosopium cylindraceum)
    Round whitefish
    Large scales ▪ cylindrical body ▪ laterally pinched snout ▪ small mouth stops in front of the eye
    Burbot – (Lota lota)
    Arctic grayling
    Flattened head with whisker-like barbell under jaw ▪ Skin appears smooth ▪ Eel like body ▪ Long second dorsal and anal fins ▪ Rounded tail

    Keep aquatic invaders out

    Invasive plants and animals can damage our aquatic ecosystems. Pay special attention when you are moving from one water body to another, particularly if you are coming from outside of Yukon.

    Before and after your trip...

    • Clean plants, animals and mud from boats and gear
    • Drain all water from boat and gear onto land
    • Dry all parts of your boat and gear completely prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

    Report aquatic invasive species in the Park: 1-867-333-9247

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