Kluane National Park Management Board
Kluane National Park and Reserve
The Kluane National Park Management Board (KNPMB) is an advisory body that makes recommendations and provides advice to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Parks Canada, Champagne and Aisihik First Nations (CAFN) and Kluane First Nation (KFN). The Kluane National Park Management Board was established in 1995 following the signing of the CAFN Final Agreement in 1993. KFN joined the Board in 2003, when they ratified their Final Agreement.
Board vision
"Kluane National Park Management Board promotes connections to the Park & Reserve through effective relationships with Champagne Aishihik First Nations, Kluane First Nation and Parks Canada."
The Board
Elsabe Kloppers - Chair - Canada representative
Robin Chambers - Vice-chair - KFN representative
Ellen Bielawski - Board member - Canada representative
Michael Beattie - Board member - CAFN representative
Matthew Brown - Board member - CAFN representative
Linaya Workman - Ex-officio non-voting Board member - Site Manager - KNPR Parks Canada
Christa Egli - Board administrator
Kluane National Park Management Board
PO Box 2132
Haines Junction, YT Y0B 1L0
Phone: 867-634-2746
Fax: 867-634-2606
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