Kluane National Park and Reserve
Camping and bear-resistant food containers
Issued: June 06, 2024
Pursuant to section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the Superintendent may, where it is necessary for the proper management of the Park, designate certain activities as restricted or prohibited. Effective immediately, and until further notice, the following activities are hereby designated as restricted or prohibited within Kluane National Park & Reserve (as shown on the attached map):
Camping locations and duration are restricted* from April 1 – November 15 in the following areas:
- Alsek/Kaskawulsh Grizzly Bear Protection Area (camping locations are specified);
- Upper Sheep-Bullion Plateau (1-night stay only); and
- Cottonwood Trail (camping locations between Kathleen Lake Day Use Area and Cottonwood Creek are specified).
* More details regarding the nature of these camping related restrictions can be obtained by calling 867-634-7207 or emailing pc.kluaneinfo.pc@canada.ca.
Camping is prohibited in the following areas:
- South side of Kathleen Lake, from Louise Creek to the Kathleen River (except for the backcountry campground at Unnamed Creek);
- Island on Kathleen Lake;
- Base of Goatherd Mountain; and
- Lower Sheep-Bullion Plateau (April 1 – November 15).
Bear-resistant food containers
When camping and travelling overnight in Kluane National Park & Reserve between April 1 and November 15, all food, garbage, and other attractants must be stored in approved bear resistant food containers**, except in the following areas:
- Kluane Icefields (depending on the specific activity and location);
- Kathleen Lake Campground (when attractants are secured in one of the food lockers supplied in the campground); and
- Camping near a motor vehicle (when attractants are effectively secured in the vehicle)
**For this order, approved bear-resistant food containers are those products listed as certified by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee. Approved bear-resistant food containers are also available from the Park Visitor Centres, or by making prior arrangements by calling 867-634-7207.
John Haselmayer
Field Unit Superintendent, Yukon
Provisions of Yukon First Nation Final Agreements, court decisions, and other indigenous rights, as reached through an agreement with Canada, may take precedence over any restrictions/prohibitions made under these Regulations.

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