
Kluane National Park and Reserve


Issued: August 31, 2024

UPDATE: September 13, 2024: Area Closure LIFTED – Kluane National Park and Reserve. The Area Closure for Cottonwood Trail from southern trailhead to Upper Victoria Creek (km 33), Mush Lake Road, and Shorty Creek Trail has been lifted.
While the area closure for the Alder Creek Prescribed Fire has been lifted, visitors should exercise caution in recently burned areas. Hazards, including smouldering logs, ash pits, and unstable trees may be present.
It is common for unburned vegetation within the fire area to smolder for some time. Our crews will continue to monitor the Alder Creek area. There is no need to report smoke within the boundary of the prescribed fire.

UPDATE: September 11, 2024: Following test fire operations and observing fire behaviour, we have determined that the planned prescribed fire in the Alder Creek area of Kluane National Park and Reserve will not proceed this year due to less-than-optimal weather conditions. Safety is our top priority. Parks Canada hopes to lift the area closure by the weekend, but please continue to avoid the areas affected by the CLOSURE until further notice.

UPDATE: September 11, 2024: Weather conditions have put the Alder Creek fire unit into the lower end of prescription. Despite some wetter conditions, teams will be mobilizing to the site to conduct a test fire and prepare for ignition. Following a successful test burn, ignition would take place this afternoon. Please avoid Mush Lake Road and be aware of smoke, increased traffic and activity in the area.

UPDATE: September 9, 2024: Parks Canada is implementing an area closure for Cottonwood Trail from southern trailhead to Upper Victoria Creek (km 33), Mush Lake Road, and Shorty Creek Trail to ensure the safety of visitors and staff as we prepare for a prescribed fire at Alder Creek.

UPDATE: September 4, 2024: Parks Canada is planning a small (37ha) prescribed fire in the Alder Creek area of Kluane National Park and Reserve the week of September 9, 2024. This fire unit sits along the Mush Lake Road approximately 5.5 km from the Haines Road.

During the prescribed fire:

  • access to the Mush Lake Road will be disrupted,
  • a section of the Cottonwood Trail will be closed,
  • there will be increased traffic and activity in the area, and
  • smoke may be visible from the Haines Road and in nearby communities.

Fire management staff continues to monitor the weather daily. We will inform the public if conditions favour an ignition and post updates here.

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