
Guide to the Preparation of Commemorative Integrity Statements

1.5 What Geographic Area Should be Included in the CIS?

A CIS is usually written for a specific geographic area. The extent of the geographic area which is covered by the CIS needs to be considered carefully and should be guided by the following:

  • The CIS must include all of the Designated Place (i.e., the place designated as being of national historic importance). Where the Designated Place is larger than the administered property, the CIS also includes those parts of the Designated Place which lie outside the property.
  • Where the size of the administered property is so large that it overwhelms the Designated Place, consideration should be given to decreasing the area included in the CIS. For example, the whole of the University of Toronto would not be included in a CIS for Annesley Hall National Historic Site of Canada (NHSC).
  • For national historic sites not under Parks Canada's administration, the scope of the CIS should be determined in consultation with Parks Canada. It must include the Designated Place but may be larger where appropriate.

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