Privacy impact assessment summary for the Parks Canada Law Enforcement Program

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Description of program/activity

Parks Canada’s law enforcement program contributes to its mandate to protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage. Park wardens across Canada undertake proactive and reactive law enforcement activities primarily related to natural and cultural resource conservation and visitor experience. Law Enforcement Branch (LEB) staff work with other Parks Canada departments as well as external enforcement partners to enhance conservation and protection.

Overview and PIA Initiation

Parks Canada has always had a role in law enforcement and has the primary responsibility for enforcing the Canada National Parks Act and other related legislation. A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for this program is required because personal information is being collected and used as part of the decision-making process. The PIA will identify and evaluate potential risks to the privacy of these data.

Park wardens are peace officers within the meaning of the Criminal Code and have received training through the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) about collecting, protecting and safeguarding personal information. They understand the importance of limiting collection to what is necessary for their program and services and how the personal information should be used and shared only when necessary.

Summary of analysis and recommendations

he PIA found that the Law Enforcement Program at large is adequately accountable in terms of privacy and the protection of personal information. It is compliant with the Privacy Act and the Treasury Board of Canada Policy on Privacy Protection in terms of providing a specific privacy policy to visitors where the Privacy Notice has been created and posted. As well, Parks Canada informs visitors and Parks Canada employees about the collection, use, access, disclosure, retention and disposal in two institution-specific PIBs. Visitors are advised that there could be consequences in case of misconduct and illegal activity on Parks Canada sites.

The LEB has developed formal agreements with law enforcement agencies to ensure the proper handling and management of personal information between the parties, including Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

More information

The Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) identified low risks that require continued mitigation to manage exposure to privacy risk. As such, mitigation measures have been documented in the PIA to address all revealed risks. In order to have access to the full PIA, please submit a formal request at the following link: Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Online Request (

In order to have access to the full PIA, please submit a formal request at the following link: Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Online Request (

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