Privacy impact assessment summary for the Parks Canada youth employment and skills strategy program

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Program description

The Youth Employment and Skills Strategy (YESS) is the Government of Canada's commitment to help young people, particularly those facing barriers to employment, get the information and gain the skills, work experience and abilities they need to make a successful transition into the labour market. Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) is the lead department responsible for the overall administration of the YESS, which is a horizontal initiative involving twelve federal departments and agencies.

On an annual basis, Parks Canada uses YESS funding to employ between 600 and 1,600 youth directly, and to provide an additional 3,000 indirect employment opportunities through contributions to partner organizations.

Overview and PIA initiation

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) for this program is required because personal information is being collected and used as part of the decision-making process. The PIA will identify and evaluate potential risks to the privacy of these data.

All YESS employers are responsible for collecting personal information data directly from their participants for the purpose of accountability, reporting and evaluation. These data are consolidated and sent to ESDC at the beginning, mid-point, and end of the fiscal year in order to support horizontal public reporting of results.

Summary of analysis and recommendations

Parks Canada at large is adequately accountable in terms of privacy and the protection of personal information. Participants are informed of the purpose for the collection at the time of the collection in a Privacy notice statement and in a new institution-specific personal information bank for the YESS program. To this end, this section documents the risks related to the privacy and protection of personal information data that are used and retained by Parks Canada as well as provided to ESDC. It should be noted that the nature and extent of any residual risks following implementation of mitigation strategies cannot be determined at this stage, as it is unknown how and to what extent mitigating mechanisms may be employed. It is recommended that residual risks be assessed following implementation. Overall, Parks Canada is in compliance with the Privacy Act and the Treasury Board of Canada's Policy on Privacy Protection.

More information

The Privacy Impact Assessment identified some low residual risks that require further and/or continued mitigation to manage exposure to privacy risk. As such, mitigation measures have been documented in the PIA to address all revealed risks.

To have access to the full PIA, please submit a formal request at the following link: Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Online Request (

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