
The Canadian Register of Historic Places (CRHP) is a collaboration involving all levels of government across Canada.

The CRHP provides a single source of information about all historic places recognized for their heritage value at the local, provincial, territorial and national levels throughout Canada.

This easily accessible online tool enables Canadians to learn about, appreciate, care for and enjoy our country’s historic places. How does it do this?

General view of Mansonville Round Barn
Mansonville Round Barn, Potton, Quebec
© Ministère de la Culture et des Communications, Jean-François Rodrigue, 2009
  • By providing Canadians with a simple, searchable, and continually updated database of over 12,400 designated historic places across Canada;
  • By making available information about designated historic places such as a description of the place, relating the values associated with the site, as well as the elements which embody those values;
  • Through the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, a guide of principles and best practices for those making decisions regarding the conservation of Canada’s historic places.

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