Canada's Tentative List
The Government of Canada has updated the country’s Tentative List for World Heritage Sites, an inventory of natural and cultural heritage properties with strong potential to be inscribed on the World Heritage List. Properties can only be nominated for inscription on the World Heritage List if they are included on a country’s Tentative List.
Sites added to the Tentative List in 2017

These seven sites are joined by three sites that remain from when the Tentative List was updated in 2004.
Google Map. Accessible content of the map about Canada's Tentative List and Sites added to the Tentative List in 2004Sites added to the Tentative List in 2004

Public process
A public process was used to solicit applications for consideration for Canada’s Tentative List for World Heritage Sites. 42 applications were received for sites from across the country, and reviewed by an independent Ministerial Advisory Committee of Canadian experts in the fields of natural and cultural heritage. The Advisory Committee recommended to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada the addition to the Tentative List of those properties with strong potential for successful inscription as World Heritage Sites.
Heart's Content Cable Station photo: Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation – Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
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