Canada's Tentative List

Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatchewan

The archaeological resources at Wanuskewin are among the finest examples of occupation of the Great Plains of North America and are an exceptional testament to traditional human settlement on the Northern Plains. Nineteen sites have been identified on the terraces, point bars and coulee depressions that form Opimihaw Valley. This complete and intact record of cultural development in the region from 6,400 years ago to present day includes habitation sites, bison jumps, tipi rings, and the most northerly Medicine Wheel recorded in North America. There is evidence of nearly every cultural group recognized across the Plains having gathered at this site; and contemporary Indigenous nations affirm the significance of Wanuskewin as a spiritual place. Considered a sacred site and gathering place, Wanuskewin continues to be relevant as a place for peaceful co-existence, education, ceremonies and reconciliation for all nations.

The World Heritage criterion that best supports this site is:

  • (iii) The archaeological resources at Wanuskewin are a complete and intact record of human settlement and cultural tradition as a gathering place from 6,400 years ago to today.

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