Daily activities
Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site
Visiting Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site will be different than previous years. Be prepared, and know what is open and closed before you go.
(A different schedule will be in effect on event days. See the Calendar of events for more information).
These activities will not be offered in 2021 due to COVID-19, in accordance with the Provincial Health Orders.
Guided tours

Hourly from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Check the daily schedule posted at Front Desk for guided tours of the historic Salmon Canning Line and Herring Reduction Plant. After the tour, explore the rest of the site’s exhibits and activities at your own pace.
Machine demonstration

11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm
See the historic salmon canning line spring into action during the daily machine demo presentations.
(Note: hours may be subject to change without notice)
Salmon tastings

Try some canned salmon and learn the difference between Sockeye and Pink salmon. With thanks to salmon tastings sponsor GoldSeal.
Introductory film

Boiler House Theatre
Upon request
Ebb & Flow: Turning points in west coast fishing history
Seasonal events
Festival of Trees

December 1-24
A month-long display of festive trees inside the historic cannery – decorated by merchants and community groups of Steveston.
Feature Exhibits
Waves of Innovation: Stories from the West Coast

May 1, 2021 to Spring 2023
Open daily 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
The Gulf of Georgia Cannery’s feature exhibit, Waves of Innovation: Stories from the West Coast, explores stories of changes and adaptations in the commercial fishing industry and their effects on west coast communities. Four key areas of innovation will be highlighted - energy, fishing, preservation, and innovations of today.
Year-round activities
Family activities
Families can participate in the Parks Canada Xplorers program, packed with fun activities. Enjoy the hands-on stations in The Label Unwrapped exhibit, or play dress-up and other games in the Cannery Kids’ Corner.
The Cannery Store is open year-round, and features gift items, books, clothing, kids’ toys, jewelry and souvenirs based on west coast, maritime, and First Nation themes.
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