Georges Island Historic Guide & Walking Tour
Georges Island National Historic Site

Georges Island Visitor Guide & Walking Tour
Welcome to Georges Island National Historic Site
Parks Canada welcomes you to Georges Island National Historic Site in the heart of the place the Mi’kmaq, who have inhabited these shores for thousands of years, called Kjipuktuk, or “The Great Harbour.”
Explore the island and discover its complex story, from the D’Anville expedition of 1746, to the establishment of the first fortifications in 1750 and the internment of Acadian prisoners during the Deportation of 1755-64, to the later development of technologically advanced harbour defences in the Victorian era, and finally the continued use of the island by the Canadian Army during the First and Second World Wars.
Use this brochure as your quick guide to the island and its many points of interest. If you have questions or want more information, do not hesitate to speak to any of our interpretive staff.
Map of Georges Island National Historic Site
The Halifax Defence Complex sites
Who we are
Parks Canada manages one of the largest national park systems in the world. This system includes national parks, historic sites, heritage canals and marine conservation areas. Parks Canada strives to present these resources in a manner that fosters understanding of their value to all Canadians while protecting them for future generations.
Our Partners
The Halifax Citadel Society is a charitable, non-profit organization created in 1993 whose purpose is to raise awareness and understanding of Canada’s past, specifically the rich history associated with the Halifax Citadel and its related sites such as Georges Island. On behalf of Parks Canada, the Society administers the living history, fee collection and visitor orientation programs on the island.
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