Tetrahedral Kite Workshop
Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site
After coming to Cape Breton and experimenting with kites, Bell discovered the tetrahedral form. By putting three equilateral triangles together he could form a four-sided figure that he called a tetrahedral cell. By placing tetrahedrons together he could build bigger and bigger kites, and he envisioned a day when tetrahedral kites with motors would be able to carry people through the air.
In our Tetrahedral Kite Program, see if you have what it takes to build your own tetrahedral kite! All material are supplied for this 45 minute family activity. The workshop takes place in the Discover area, a large space with a high ceiling inspired by Bell’s experiments. The room is accessible via a series of ramps.
July 1 to August 31
Every second day (alternating days with Come Fly a Kite)
3:30 pm
45 minutes
Contact 902-295-2069 or lhn-agb-nhs@pc.gc.ca for availability.
See pricesChildren under 12 require adult assistance
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