Let's talk about Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
Parks Canada has completed a new 10-year management plan for Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site.
A management plan, prepared in consultation with Indigenous Peoples and Canadians, is the main public accountability document for Parks Canada administered places. Identifying the vision and long-term strategic direction for the site, a management plan explains how that vision and direction will be achieved. It describes how the natural and cultural resources will be protected while also increasing public understanding and appreciation and facilitating meaningful visitor experiences.
This new management plan replaces the 2011 Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site Management Plan.
Consultation and engagement
Public involvement is the cornerstone of Parks Canada’s management plans and ensures the views and visions of Canadians help shape the future of protected places. Indigenous Peoples, partners, stakeholders and the public participated in the development of this new management plan.
In early 2021, Parks Canada began the management planning review process for Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site, which included internal and external assessments and the identification of key opportunities and challenges.
Consultation and engagement occurred in two phases: the first phase (fall 2022) helped shape an overall vision and defined the guiding approach, objectives, and targets that informed the draft management plan, and the second phase (spring 2024) gathered feedback on the proposed draft plan. The final plan, tabled in Parliament, reflects what we heard from participants during both phases of consultation.
Phase II – What we heard
As part of Phase II consultation, Indigenous groups, partners, stakeholders and the public were invited to review and provide feedback on the draft management plan.
Consultation sessions were facilitated with the Mikmaq of Nova Scotia, key partners and stakeholders, as well as an internal session for Parks Canada staff. The public were invited to provide feedback through the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site website.
In terms of what was shared, participants supported the proposed draft management plan and provided meaningful feedback on the vision, key strategies, objectives, and targets. The following themes emerged:
- Importance of working with the Mi’kmaq
Participants approved of ongoing efforts to manage the site collaboratively with the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia. They expressed a desire to see Mi’kmaw history and culture highlighted through experiences at the site and emphasized the importance of Mi’kmaw leadership in developing and delivering programs.
- New visitor programs and experiences
Keen interest was expressed in new visitor programs at Fortress of Louisbourg and neighbouring sites, particularly hands-on and immersive experiences. Participants were also enthusiastic about an expanded season and the possibility of year-round outdoor recreational opportunities.
- Adapting to climate change
There was a positive response to preserving the cultural heritage character of the site while also acknowledging the need to adapt to climate change. Given the coastal location, participants supported protecting the coast and cultural sites at risk due to climate change impacts. In addition, there was support for greener options to access and enjoy the historic sites.
- Highlighting history
We heard strong support for protecting the heritage character, cultural resources, and collections at the site. Emphasizing the rich history of Fortress of Louisbourg and nearby historic sites was highlighted as a top priority. They welcomed the inclusion of additional sites such as Wolfe’s Landing and the Louisbourg Lighthouse in the plan.
- Importance of collaborations
Many described the importance of collaborating with external partners and community groups, particularly regarding creating outdoor recreation opportunities, developing new visitor programs, and connecting people to Wolfe’s Landing and Louisbourg Lighthouse.
- Sharing diverse stories to a diverse audience
Participants drew attention to a diverse array of cultures and identities that shaped historic Louisbourg and Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site. There was much support for sharing the lesser-known stories that highlight the contributions of many communities. Additionally, feedback was supportive of making experiences at the site accessible to those with diverse needs.
All feedback was carefully reviewed and considered to finalize the 2024 Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site Management Plan. Please note, not all suggestions and concerns were incorporated into the final management plan. Some comments have directly influenced the new management plan, and others have been flagged for further consideration during the implementation of the plan over the next decade.
Many thanks to all who participated. The feedback will help shape the management of the site for the next ten years!
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