Restricted Activities

Pingo Canadian Landmark

The following activities are restricted in The Pingo Canadian Landmark National Historic Site, pursuant to section 12(1) of the National Historic Parks General Regulations. A permit is needed before engaging in any of these activities and all permit holders must follow the terms and conditions identified on their permit:

  • Military exercises
    • All personnel and equipment operating on behalf of any Canadian or foreign armed forces for the purposes of training, or entry and travel by any means.
  • Fuel caching
    • Storage of petroleum-based fuel in any location for future use.
  • Non-Inuvialuit business activities
    • Activities conducted by non-Inuvialuit businesses (for example cruise ship visitation).
  • Filming or photography for commercial purposes
    • Filming and photography activities conducted where the photographer:
      1) is working to fulfill a commercial contract (including stock agencies);
      2) is salaried for the purpose; or
      3) Requires special permission or assistance from Parks Canada to access areas or resources
      (including Parks Canada staff).
      • Drones or “Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS)" should not be flown at the landmark.
    • All natural science, social science, and archaeological research and collection.
Research and Collection Permit Application

Submit applications online through the following website:

For information on obtaining a permit for any of the above activities please contact the Parks Canada office in Inuvik at 867 777 8800. Please note that some permit applications are subject to external impact assessment processes and it may take up to 4 months to issue a permit.

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