Ongoing exploration
Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror National Historic Site
Exploration 2023
Activities and new discoveries at the sites of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror in September 2023.
Exploration 2022
Activities and new discoveries at the site of HMS Erebus in 2022.
Exploration 2019
Activities and new discoveries at the sites of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror in 2019.
Exploration 2018
Activities and new discoveries at the sites of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror in 2018.
Exploration 2017
Activities and new discoveries at the sites of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror in 2017.
Exploration 2008 to 2016
A history of Parks Canada’s missions in search of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror dating back to 2008.
Now that both HMS Erebus and HMS Terror have been found, the ongoing work for Parks Canada underwater archaeologists, Inuit knowledge-holders and other experts revolves around researching, documenting and preserving the ship wrecks. Because of the Arctic environment, this will be one of the most challenging underwater archaeological excavations ever conducted in Canada.
A new Parks Canada excavation support barge named Qiniqtiryuaq arrived in Gjoa Haven in 2017. This barge is now used side-by-side with Parks Canada’s newly-acquired ship RV David Thompson.
Finding the ships in 2014 and 2016 concluded the over 150 year search for them, but it opened up an ocean’s worth of questions that Parks Canada and Inuit researchers and their partners hope to start answering over the next 5 years.
The discovery of HMS Erebus and Terror would not have been possible without the support, advice and knowledge shared so generously by Inuit of Nunavut. Parks Canada also acknowledges the contribution of various project partners over the years.
Conservation of the wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror is the focus for Parks Canada, the Government of Nunavut and designated Inuit organizations. The Government of Canada is committed to engaging Nunavut communities in the Franklin project and related initiatives over the long-term.
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