Kingston Mills Fixed Bridge Replacement
Rideau Canal National Historic Site
In spring 2017, work completed on the Kingston Mills Fixed Bridge. The fixed bridge was replaced in-kind with a single-lane concrete bridge with crash-rated barriers and guards on the approaches. Signage was installed to improve road safety and deter truck traffic from crossing. In order to ensure the continued structural integrity, the new bridge now has full highway load rating.
This project was informed by road safety and cultural resource studies. The bridge underwent a single-lane replacement to maintain regular traffic volume, and preserve the cultural heritage and outstanding universal value of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Parks Canada Investments into the Kingston Mills Site
Kingston Mills rehabilitation began in 2014 and is scheduled to conclude in 2020. Parks Canada is investing nearly $15 million into this historically significant site to ensure its preservation for generations to come. Recently, Parks Canada completed repairs on the West Earth Dam and historic masonry work on the Arch Dam. In spring 2017, the replacement of the fixed bridge and repairs to the swing bridge at Kingston Mills concluded. The final phase of the project will include masonry work on Locks 46 to 49 and site renewal to ensure full public enjoyment of Kingston Mills.
About Kingston Mills
In 1784, to support new Loyalist settlers, the British Government built a saw mill and grist mill at what is now known as Kingston Mills. In 1824, plans for locks along the Cataraqui River were developed to accommodate navigation. As the project advanced, a new plan was adopted that would raise the arch dam, reducing the need for locks between Kingston Mills and Lower Brewers Mills. Historically, the dam provided a basin of water required to operate the grist mill located downstream. Presently, it supports a hydro generating facility.
Beyond its historical importance, Kingston Mills, one of 24 lockstations on the Rideau Canal, is a prime example of engineering mastery. The four limestone locks each have a lift of 3.6 metres and utilize manual methods of opening and closing the lock gates – with push bar, swing bar and endless chain mechanisms.
For More Information
For more information about the Rideau Canal Historic Site, contact us at rideau@pc.gc.ca or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @RideauCanalNHS.
July 14, 2017 - Info-Work: Kingston Mills Road to Reopen (PDF, 144 KB)
June 30, 2017 - Info-Work: *Amendment* Update on Kingston Mills Road Closure (PDF, 139 KB)
June 15, 2017 - Update on Kingston Mills Road Closure (PDF, 149 KB)
May 12, 2017 - Kingston Mills Road Closure Extended Due to Road Damage from High Water Flows (PDF, 147 KB)
February 14, 2017 - Community Update: Swing and Fixed Bridge Project Update (PDF, 271 KB)
December 12, 2016 - Community Update: Weekend Work on the Swing and Fixed Bridge (PDF - 248 KB)
November 18, 2016 - Update: Swing and Fixed Bridge Repairs (PDF - 374 KB)
September 6th, 2016 - Update: Kingston Mills Road Closure Will Begin on September 6th, 2016 (PDF - 160 KB)
July 22, 2016 - Update: Kingston Mills Road Closure Will Begin in Early September
June 7, 2016 - Kingston Mills Road Fixed Bridge and Swing Bridge Closures
February 11, 2016 - Infrastructure Work Continues at Kingston Mills (PDF - 105 KB)
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