Township of Rideau Lakes
Rideau Canal National Historic Site
Old Slys Lock 26 and 27 Masonry Repairs | Township of Rideau Lakes
Old Slys Lock 26 and 27 are undergoing masonry repairs to ensure the continued safe passage of vessels along the canal. Work includes stone replacement, stone repair, repointing and grouting. This work will increase the longevity of this historic masonry while preserving its historic look and feel.
Rehabilitation of Old Slys Weir | Township of Rideau Lakes
Old Slys Weir has undergone a rehabilitation improving its water management capacity and public safety. Concrete repairs were completed and new hydraulic elements added to improve the functionality of the dam’s stop log lifter. This project was substantively completed in Spring 2016.
Poonamalie Lock 32 Masonry Repairs | Township of Rideau Lakes
Poonamalie Lock 32 underwent masonry repairs to ensure the continued safe passage of vessels along the canal. Work included stone replacement, stone repair, repointing and grouting.
Poonamalie Dam Rehabilitation | Township of Rideau Lakes
The Poonamalie Dam, in the Rideau Lakes Township near Smiths Falls, has been continuously maintained and monitored since the 19th century. Parks Canada identified the dam for rehabilitation as part of its ongoing asset monitoring and recapitalization program on the Rideau Canal.
Rehabilitation of Combined Lock 29A and Smiths Falls Basin Walls
This project includes the replacement of both sets of hydraulic gates at Combined Lock 29A, enhancements to both hydraulic and electrical systems to improve the reliability of operation, repairs to the downstream concrete wharf and upper basin walls, and improvements to guard rails and hand rails at the site.
Narrows Lock 35 Masonry Repairs | Community of Portland, Township of Rideau Lakes
In spring 2018, Parks Canada completed heritage masonry repair work at Narrows Lock 35 located on the Rideau Canal National Historic Site. Work included stone replacement, grouting, and repointing to ensure the continued structural integrity and functionality of the lock.
Newboro Lock 36 Masonry Repairs | Township of Rideau Lakes
A construction project at Newboro Lock 36 includes hydraulic system upgrades and masonry repairs to ensure the continued safe passage of vessels along the canal. The masonry work will include stone replacement, stone repair, repointing and grouting. This work will increase the longevity of this historic masonry.
Chaffeys Swing Bridge Replacement | Township of Rideau Lakes
Parks Canada replaced the Chaffeys Swing Bridge that spans over Indian Lake on the Rideau Canal. The replacement of the bridge was completed in May 2015 and all vehicles can now cross the new bridge as it meets highway load standards. Minor remaining work is currently being completed to conclude the project. This project insures that the township of Rideau Lakes and surrounding communities will have a sound link well into the future.
Jones Falls Concrete Bridge Rehabilitation | Township of Rideau Lakes
Constructed in 1932, the concrete bridge provides a connection between the arch dam and the locks, and a means of access for maintenance and repairs of the locks. The rehabilitation of the Jones Falls Concrete Bridge began in Fall 2016.
Jones Falls Timber Bridge Replacement | Township of Rideau Lakes
Since the 1930s, the bridge has undergone repairs, but the structure still includes some of the timber crib piers from the 1883 construction. In order to preserve this culturally significant asset, the timber bridge will be replaced in-kind.
Rehabilitation of the Masonry at Jones Falls Locks and Arch Dam | Township of Rideau Lakes
Masonry rehabilitation of the historic Jones Falls Locks and Stone Arch Dam are scheduled to begin in late 2018. Built in the 1830s, Jones Falls Locks are a cultural resource of national significance. Repairs are integral to preserve this piece of Canadian heritage for generations to come. Planned masonry repairs include stone replacement, stone repair, repointing, grouting and repair of the stone arch dam toe drain system.
Regular Dams (multiple) Repairs | Various locations from Ottawa to Kingston
The Parks Canada Agency manages more than 200 dams in canals and waterways. Throughout the systems, various types of dams are found including concrete gravity, earth embankment and stone arch dams. Regular repairs to these essential water management structures are needed to ensure that dams are reliable, functional, meet current engineering and safety codes and standards, and that water management capabilities are optimized. Dams on the Rideau Canal that have been identified as needing regular repairs include the following: Kingston Mills Earth Dam, Kingston Mills Arch Dam and Weir, Old Slys Weir, Long Island Arch Dam Vegetation, Jones Falls Arch Dam, Merrickville Weir, and Manotick Dam.
September 30, 2016 - Community Update: Old Slys Weir - Major Rehabilitation Work Completed (PDF, 247 KB)
February 19, 2016 - Rescheduling of Intermittent Delays at Bridge on Old Slys Road
February 16, 2016 - Intermittent Delays at Bridge on Old Slys Road
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