Community Update: Repairs are Now Complete
Rideau Canal National Historic Site
February 16, 2018 – Since October 2016, Parks Canada has been undertaking heritage masonry repairs at Narrows Lock 35 located on the Rideau Canal National Historic Site. Major repairs to the lock are now complete.
The contractor has demobilized from site and will return in the spring to revitalize the lawn and surrounding area.

By completing this historic masonry work at Narrows Locks, Parks Canada is ensuring the public may continue to enjoy this site for years to come. These historic investments will mitigate health and safety risks, halt the loss of nationally significant built heritage and stimulate the economy in communities across the country.
About Narrows Lock 35
In 1830, Colonel By developed a plan to build a dam and lock across the Upper Narrows forming a new lake – Upper Rideau Lake. The lock was built on a solid rock foundation with gate sluices on both the upper and lower gates. The gates were created with oak sills bolted to rock. A dam was built on either side of the lock, and a waste weir included on the south side of the lock. In the early 1830s a blockhouse was built at the site.
Gates being reinstalled at Narrows Lock 35
For More Information:
For up-to-date news on infrastructure work along the Rideau Canal, please visit our website: If you would like to be added to our community engagement list and receive updates on this project, please e-mail and include Narrows Lock 35 in the subject heading.
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