Rideau Canal National Historic Site
All Environment Canada weather offices offer a 24 hour-a-day automated telephone service that provides the most recent forecast information. Their locations include: Ottawa 613-998-3439
Kingston 613-545-8550
Current weather
Southern area
Northern area
Marine Weather Warnings
Type of criteria
Small Craft Warning:
Included in a near shore forecast if winds are forecast to be in the range of 40 to 60 km/hr inclusive or if the possibility of thunderstorms is greater than 50%.
Gale Warning:
Issued if winds are forecast to be in the range of 61 to 87 km/hr inclusive.
Storm Warning:
Issued if winds are forecast to be in the range of 88 to 117 km/hr inclusive.
Hurricane Force Wind Warning:
Issued if winds are forecast to be 118 km/hr or greater.
Radio station weather broadcasts
Many commercial FM and AM radio stations along the Rideau Canal broadcast marine weather forecasts during the navigation season.
Weatheradio Canada is operated by Environment Canada and transmits over three dedicated VHF-FM bands: 162.400 MHz, 162.475 MHz and 162.550 MHz.
Canadian Coast Guard radio stations broadcast on VHF frequencies 161.65 MHz and 161.775 MHz (ch.21B, ch.83B). They also broadcast information on aids to navigation.
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