Peterborough County
Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
Douro Dam at Lock 24 Replacement
Scope of Work
- Full replacement of the dam
- Reduce leakage and improve water management capacity
- Improved safety for operators
- New log lifter
Active constructionProject Schedule
Construction mobilized in the fall of 2018. The new dam is expected to be complete in winter 2021, with restoration of the site in the summer of that year.More
The previous Douro Dam at Lock 24 was constructed over 90 years ago. The new dam will have a life expectancy of more than 80 years. This dam supports a run of 5 locks that take boaters from Lakefield to Peterborough along the Otonabee River.Sawers Creek Dam at Lock 25 Replacement
Scope of Work
- Full replacement of the dam
- Reduce leakage and improve water management capacity
- Improved safety for operators
- New log lifter
Active constructionProject Schedule
Construction mobilized in the spring of 2019. The new dam is expected to be complete in spring 2022, with restoration of the site in the summer of that year.Latest New
July 16, 2021 - Info-work: Intermittent Delays Expected for Boat Traffic at Lock 25More
The previous Sawers Creek Dam at Lock 25 was constructed over 80 years ago. The new dam will have a life expectancy of more than 80 years. This dam supports a run of 5 locks that take boaters from Lakefield to Peterborough along the Otonabee River.Burleigh Falls Dam Stabilization
Scope of Work
- filling and sealing of the voids under the dam
- the drilling and installation of rock anchors through the dam to the underlying bedrock
- the removal of vegetation growing through the concrete components of the dam
Work commencing on site in late October 2023Project Schedule
Construction is scheduled for completion in December 2023More
Parks Canada would like to provide you with an update on the condition of the Burleigh Falls Dam and plans for stabilization work to take place this fall.
Following detailed engineering inspections of the dam in the summer of 2021 and again in the fall of 2022, it was confirmed that most of the concrete components of the dam are in either poor or very poor condition. The dam is 113 years old and has been subject to only minor rehabilitation in the intervening period. In most cases, the concrete is showing significant and serious deterioration, including moderate to severe cracking, spalling and delamination, progressing over time.
In addition to the concrete condition, the engineers also found several sinkholes. They noted moderate to significant seepage, and water boils, both suggestive of the concrete's poor integrity.
As a result of these reports, and in the interest of public safety, Parks Canada will undertake construction work on the stabilization of the dam starting on-site in October and lasting two to three months.
None of the planned work is expected to require upland excavation, and the planned work would occur outside the fish spawning window. The Basic Impact Assessment completed for the previous Phase 1 work addresses the work to be completed, and all mitigation measures identified will be followed.
What to Expect
- Pedestrian access across the dam was closed following recommendations from the engineering inspections and will remain closed through construction until the dam can be replaced.
- Parking at Lock 28 will be reduced by approximately half for the project's duration to facilitate staging and access.
- There will be no impact on navigation through the lock; however, although the boat launch will remain open, access may have delays of up to 30 minutes associated with construction use.
- Residents, businesses, and visitors to the lock station can expect noise, dust and traffic typically associated with large construction projects.
- Impact to access for upstream and downstream angling areas is not expected.
Additional information and updates will be provided via this page or you can email us at trentsevern@pc.gc.ca and ask to be placed on the email list to receive updates. Any questions or concerns can also be directed to the email above.
In advance, Parks Canada would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we undertake this important project in the interest of public safety.
More Information
See our regional map here for information on completed construction works in this area. For questions or concerns, or to receive email updates, please contact us at trentsevern@pc.gc.ca and include “Peterborough County” in the subject heading, or reference a specific project.
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