Talbot and Lake Simcoe
Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
Boundary Road Swing Bridge Replacement
Latest News
March 8, 2024 - Boundary Road Swing BridgeNovember 7, 2022 - Boundary Road Swing Bridge Project Update
August 02, 2022 - Boundary Road Swing Bridge Project Update
April 21, 2022 - Boundary Road Swing Bridge Construction Update
October 7, 2021 - Boundary Road Swing Bridge Construction Update
December 17, 2020 - Temporary Closure
October 14, 2020 - Temporary Closure
July 30, 2020 - Swing Bridge Construction
The Boundary Road Swing Bridge is located on Simcoe Street near Bolsover. It was constructed in 1902.Dam at Lock 38 Replacement
Scope of Work
- Full replacement of concrete dam
- Reduce leakage and improve water management capability
- Improved safety for operators
- Rehabilitated winches
Active constructionProject Schedule
Preparation of the site began in spring 2019. Construction of the brand new dam is expected to complete in spring 2021.Latest News
Novembe 12, 2021 - Community Update: Dam at Lock 38 Construction UpdateFebruary 12, 2020 - Community Update: Dam Demolition to Begin
May 16, 2017 - Community Update: Talbot Area
The Dam at Lock 38 was originally constructed in 1908 and has only undergone one minor rehabilitation since then. To construct the new dam while maintaining the capability to manage water flows through the area, an overflow weir on the existing dam was temporarily converted into an operable sluice, allowing construction to take place in phases. The new dam will have a life expectancy of more than 80 years.Talbot Dam Replacement
Scope of Work
- Full replacement of concrete dam
- Reduce leakage and improve water management capability
- Improved safety for operators
- Repair of washouts
Substantially completedProject Schedule
The project began in early winter 2018. The project was substantially completed in 2019. Landscaping work is expected to be completed in 2021.Latest News
August 11, 2022- Info-Work: Talbot dam maintenanceNovember 14, 2018- Community Update: Replacement of the Talbot Dam
June 14, 2018- Community Update: Replacement of the Talbot Dam
May 28 2018- Community Update: Conservation During Construction, Protecting Fish Habitat
May 03, 2018- Community Update: Update on Parks Canada Construction Projects
Video- Building a cofferdam: Talbot dam reconstruction
February 22, 2018 - Community Update: Talbot Dam
September 26, 2017 - Community Update: Talbot Dam Replacement
August 10, 2017 - Community Update: Update on Parks Canada Construction Projects
May 16, 2017 - Community Update: Talbot Area
The Talbot Dam was originally constructed in 1905 and has only undergone one minor rehabilitation since then. This dam is located in the centre of two earth dams. To ensure the long-term stability of the earth dams, some vegetation removal in this area was also completed.Talbot Earth Dams: Rehabilitation & Improvement
Scope of Work
- Repair of washouts
- Dam heights increased where necessary
- Vegetation removed
- Sheet pile core installation
Active ConstructionProject Schedule
This multi-year project began in November 2016. Completion is expected in 2021.Latest News
May 16, 2017 - Community Update: Talbot AreaMore
Earth dams are an integral part of flood mitigation in surrounding communities. The roots of vegetation, like trees and shrubs, loosen the soil in an earth dam, create seepage paths, and decay – all of which can lead to internal erosion and vulnerabilities in an embankment. Trees pose a risk for dam failure should they be uprooted in a storm or succumb to disease. Vegetation also inhibits the ability to inspect the dams to identify problems and to complete maintenance work. This work to strengthen the dams will satisfy the Canadian Dam Association Guidelines for Dam Safety, with the goal of compliancy with international best practices.More Information
See our regional map here for information on completed construction works in this area. For questions or concerns, or to receive email updates, please contact us at trentsevern@pc.gc.ca and include “Talbot and Simcoe” in the subject heading, or reference a specific project.
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