Restore and recover nature

Protected areas are home to many plants and animals, including species at risk. Parks Canada conserves and restores ecosystems on land and in water. We use innovative science and collaboration to do this.

Making roads safer for wildlife at Parks Canada
We’re all in the driver’s seat to make a difference for wildlife!
Environmental DNA at Parks Canada
Parks Canada is using eDNA across the country to help monitor and restore healthy ecosystems.
A healthy dose of fire: prescribed fires at Parks Canada
Parks Canada has used prescribed fire as a tool for over 40 years to restore ecosystems.
Canada Alberta Manitoba
Restoring a quiet environment for whales
Keeping waters as quiet as possible is key for their survival.
British Columbia Quebec
Care for the land: Parks Canada works to control invasive alien species (IAS)
Parks Canada works with many groups to protect threatened ecosystems and wildlife from IAS.
Canada Nova Scotia Alberta
British Columbia
Bison and the power of partnerships
Protecting bison cannot be done alone. Parks Canada works in partnership with many Indigenous communities to help bison grow and thrive.
Prairies Northwest Territories
Saving cold water loving fish in mountain national parks
Parks Canada is restoring threatened Westslope Cutthroat Trout and aquatic ecosystems in Alberta.
Making life better for bats and people in Canada
Parks Canada is committed to doing its best to slow the spread of white-nose syndrome.
Caribou recovery at Parks Canada: out of sight, but not out of mind
Recovering caribou in Canada remains a priority for Parks Canada, both inside and outside of park borders.
Invasive species: aquatic ecosystems under stress at Parks Canada
Parks Canada and partners are using innovative ways to tackle aquatic invasive species.
Canada Nova Scotia Manitoba

Connected: a Parks Canada Podcast

Listen to podcast episodes about animals and plants in danger, and the Parks Canada specialists who protect them.

More stories from Parks Canada conservation

Kids' questions about the wild (part one)

We love wild questions—and kids love asking them.

Kids’ wildest questions about the wild (part two)

More kids’ questions about nature.

Atlantic parks salmon recovery

Five national parks are working together to protect salmon populations.

Tidy tundra = healthy herd

Removing industrial waste in Qausuittuq National Park will restore habitat for the endangered Peary caribou.

Six champion travellers

Learn about Parks Canada's longest-migrating species.

Protecting the Southern Resident Killer Whales

Parks Canada is taking action to support their recovery through monitoring, education and enforcement.

What is it like to be a bat?

Parks Canada considers an old question.

Biotics Web Explorer

Provides access to information about species in Parks Canada managed areas.

Waterfalls to the Rescue of Brook Trout

Learn about our efforts to protect the brook trout population in La Mauricie National Park.

Success stories

Parks Canada has supported several field initiatives for the recovery of the species at risk.

Southern Mountain Caribou

Southern Mountain caribou have declined across western Canada.

Epic and perilous journeys of animal travellers

Connecting landscapes allows animals to roam.

Scanning the bugs

Using a genetic identification method, researchers complete a major survey of insect diversity in national parks.

Helping bats find a home

Parks Canada is working with partners to maintain roosting places for bats.

Parks Canada merchandise – your purchase helps conservation

Profits made through the sale of official merchandise online at Parks Canada shop support conservation projects!

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